The NEWH Sustainable Hospitality Committee is thrilled to announce four great sponsors hosting the return of our extremely popular Green Voice™ Conversation Webinars on Friday September 26th. Thanks to the support of Global Lighting, JLF Lone Meadow Furniture, Northwest Carpets, and Valley Forge Fabrics our live webinar sessions are easy to attend using any computer and phone: and will feature two CEU-accredited panel discussions, one in the morning, and another the same afternoon.
Both webinars are suited to a wide audience of architects, interior designers, purchasing agents, hoteliers, suppliers, and educators to the industry and headline 6 industry experts actively involved in sustainable practices across many facets of hospitality, lodging, dining, and business.
Each live webinar will qualify for AIA 1 LU|HSW and IDCEC 0.1 CEU accreditation, and will be hosted online by NEWH Green Voice™ via the easy to use ReadyTalk web and phone system. No downloads required, attend from the comfort of your office or home viewing on any computer and listening in on any phone. Attendees can watch both webinars that day for one low fee of $20 for individual NEWH members and $40 for non-members. Webinars are always free for students and educators. To register for the webinars visit or for more info on NEWH Green Voice™ presentations or on facebook at
Fri, Sept 26, 2014 , 11:00 AM (EST) webinar: “Responsible Sourcing.”
Dina Belon, Vice-President of Sustainable Hospitality, NEWH with Dave Lippert, Vice President of Procurement for Marriott International’s Architecture and Construction Division , and Sharon Flynn, Director of Prototype Design, Wyndham Worldwide
Session Description: Hotel Brand’s perspective on the value of responsible sourcing, making your supply chain more transparent. Looking at the process of Responsible Sourcing from design, through procurement, and reporting. The session will explore examples of how brands are tracking, verifying and monitoring their supply chain’s sustainability efforts.
Fri, Sept 26, 2014 , 12:30 PM (EST) webinar: “Sustainable Design for Guests.”
Glenn Hasek, Publisher, Green Lodging News , with Adrienne Pumphrey, Global Head of Adoba Eco Hotels & Suites , and Helen Reed, President of HL Reed Design & Curator of Creativity at SEElogix
Session Description: Making a connection with the consumer. Case Studies of local sourcing, purchasing choices, energy and water conservation efforts and sustainable messaging that is helping win business. Examples of what is meaningful to guests related to sustainability efforts, how to successfully communicate them and show an ROI both from cost savings & revenue generation standpoint.
NEWH Green Voice Conversations now in their 3rd year continue to grow in scope and popularity each year. The webinars will expand on the NEWH Green Voice Conversations new commitment to the industry: “Educate. Change. Together.”
NEWH Sustainable Hospitality Committee and Green VoiceTM Conversations thank Global Lighting, JLF Lone Meadow Furniture, Northwest Carpets, and Valley Forge Fabrics for making these events and the work of our committee possible.
About NEWH ( NEWH-The Hospitality Industry Network, founded in 1985, is an international non-profit organization with 18 chapters and 5 regional groups of volunteer industry professionals who raise funds and grant scholarships to college students studying design, architecture, purchasing, and management focused on the lodging and restaurant markets. NEWH is the premiere industry networking organization whose volunteers have granted more than $3 million in scholarships over 25 years by networking at local, regional, and international architecture, design, and hospitality events.
For more information contact:
Adrienne Pumphrey NEWH Director of Sustainable Hospitality, 303.522.7004
Dina Belon NEWH VP of Sustainable Hospitality, 407.345.4438
Andy Schaidler NEWH Sustainable Committee - Public Relations, 414.431.3687