The NEWH Sustainable Hospitality Committee announced its Green Voice Webinar Series for September 26 & 27 2012. The web-based seminars will include topics on: “Meta-Trends in Sustainability—Shaping Our Future, “Water: Beyond High Efficiency Fixtures”, “2030 Challenge for Products” and “Implementing Change,”
“We are excited to offer our first series of the Green Voice Sustainable Webinars. The webinar sessions will offer an interactive approach and present an opportunity to participate in a question and answer discourse,” says Dina Belon, NEWH Vice-President of Sustainable Hospitality. A high-point opf the series is the ability for Interior Designers and Architects to earn (CEU) Continuing Education Units for attending the two-day webinar series. “Our organization advocates for continued learning and the webinar programs we have designed will help accelerate the transformation of sustainability in your organization and community.,” says Adrienne Pumphrey, NEWH Director of Sustainable Hospitality.
The cost-efficient two-day webinar series begins on September 26 & 27 and will offer an accomplished line-up of sustainable speakers. The fee to participate for both days is $20.00 for NEWH members, $50.00 for non-NEWH members, and free to students.
• The kick-off session Wednesday, September 26 @ 2:00PM – 3:30PM EST (Meta-Trends in Sustainability—Shaping Our Future), Speaker: Clark Brockman, SERA Architects will discuss the overarching sustainability concepts changing the way we design. Panel members will project where these trends will position us 20 years from now, then engage in a back casting exercise recommending actions companies should be taking now to prepare.
• Thursday, September 27 @ 2:00PM – 3:00PM EST (Water: Beyond High Efficiency Fixtures), this installment is hosted by speaker Jon Gray, CPD Principal, Senior Plumbing Engineer, Interface. He will cover how high efficiency fixtures can contribute to reducing properties water use but they can only go so far. This session will examine techniques including, landscaping and irrigation, grey water reuse, on site water treatment, rain collection, and other emerging technologies to address reducing water use.
• Thursday, September 27th 3:00PM EST (2030 Challenge for Products), learn in his session how speaker Francesca Desmarias Research Associate, Director of the 2030 Challenge for Products will explain slowing the growth rate of GHG emissions and reversing it is the key to addressing climate change and keeping the global average temperature below 2°C above pre-industrial levels.
• Thursday, September 7th 4:00Pm – 5:00PM EST (Implementing Change), includes a power panel of industry designers, manufactures, and hoteliers sharing their inspiration, successes, and the challenges they have faced integrating sustainability goals into their designs, products, and properties.
Don’t wait to register - visit at
For more information contact:
Adrienne Pumphrey, NEWH Director of Sustainable Hospitality,, (303) 522.7004
Dina Belon, NEWH VP of Sustainable Hospitality, 407-345-4438
Andy Schaidler, NEWH Director of Public Relations,, (414) 431-3687
About NEWH:
NEWH The Hospitality Industry Network, founded in 1985, is an international non-profit organization with 18 chapters and 5 regional groups of volunteer industry professionals who raise funds and grant scholarships to college students studying design, architecture, purchasing, and management focused on the lodging and restaurant markets. NEWH is the premiere industry networking organization whose volunteers have granted more than $2.3 million in scholarships by networking at local, regional, and international architecture, design, and hospitality events.